Code of Conduct
We will be continually reminding the boys that it is a privilege to play sport for CBHS and that we will not allow boys to represent the school, at any level if they do not meet our required standards in and around the school. Now, more than ever, the school will be seen to be upholding of Code of Conduct requirements. It is requested that parents support the school in this respect.
CBHS Code of Conduct
Participation in sport at Christchurch Boys High School (CBHS) is considered a privilege, and while sport is a significant part of the history and culture at CBHS the underlying philosophy is “School First”. The privilege to play sport for CBHS is earnt in the classroom, around the school and in the school community.
It is expected that students:
- Live and role model the school values – meaningful relationships, integrity, high expectations and respect.
- Attend all classes as required and meet all homework and assessment deadlines.
- Wear the correct school uniform and ensure that dress and bearing is of a high standard, both on and off the field
- Follow the school rules and in doing so set an example to others.
- Attend all practices and communicate with coaches and managers if unable to do so.
- Support other sports teams and be an ambassador of the school.
Should these “School First” standards not be met participation for CBHS teams will be reviewed and considered. In association with the Code of Conduct there is a zero tolerance with respect to behaviour when representing CBHS on a school trip or in competition on a Saturday or during the week. Should behaviours not meet the intent of the school Code of Conduct the continuing attendance on the trip or involvement in the chosen sport will be reviewed.