Enrolment Information

2024 Enrolment
We can only accept 2024 enrolments for in zone students. Please check our zone map to ensure you are in-zone and then contact enrolments@cbhs.nz to request the link to the enrolment e-form.


Year 9 2025 Enrolment
School enrolments for Year 9 2025 are now open and will close at 4pm on Friday 26th July 2024. All prospective students, both in and out of zone, are encouraged to apply during this time.  The number of out of zone places we have available is determined by the number of in-zone applications received by the closing date.

The ballot for out of zone places will be held on Wednesday 31st July 2024.  Offers of place to both in-zone and out of zone students plus waitlist notifications will be emailed no later than Friday 2nd August 2024.

Please apply using our enrolment e-form HERE.

Open Day 2024
Our Open Day was held on Tuesday 21st May 2024, there isn’t another open day scheduled for 2024.

Boarding at Adams House 2025
Applying for a boarding place at Adams House requires an additional enrolment process.
Boarding Applications and interview requests for Year 9 2025 closed on Friday 15 March 2024.  Please see the Adams House Boarding Information below for full information.